Book Rec: "No Matter What…They’ll Call this Book Racist"

Harry Stein’s latest social commentary is a hard-hitting look at race relations in the US from the end of the Civil War to the current sad state of affairs among urban blacks.  He takes common refrains for the left that have shaped policy on the issue since the Civil Rights Movement and dismantles them one by one, leaving the reader with the virtually inescapable conclusion that the Republicans, not the Democrats, have the better plan going forward for dealing with the large gap in happiness, prosperity and criminality of the races.

Sprinkled throughout the book were anecdotes about forgotten players in the fight for racial equality and sad stories about today’s leftists’ cultural blind spots.

But don’t take my word for it.  Go to and look up this book title.  You will see that about 40 reviews have come in so far for the book and the only negative ones are inaccurate screeds posted by the very leftists Stein is taking to task in the book.  My favorite was the “reviewer” who claimed Stein simply overlooked the 100 years of Jim Crow, the 300 years of brutality of slave ownership, and the meager gains of the Civil Rights Movement.  Of course, I checked after I read the book and members of the black community from the Jim Crow era and members of their opposition (or governmental entities involved in the conflict) are mentioned on about 60% of the pages of the book…so…I would hazard a guess that knee-jerk-reacting leftists largely aren’t even reading the book before “reviewing” it.  Which is all the info I need to know in order to heartily recommend it to the rest of the thinkers out there who have an open mind.  Of course…I *did* read it…so I have much more to go on, but if you’re anything like me and love poking hard leftists in the eye…this book is for you.

3 thoughts on “Book Rec: "No Matter What…They’ll Call this Book Racist"

  1. I'd say Stein's book does a pretty good job summarizing the attitudes of the current “civil rights” establishment and why they are mistaken — but if you want a more comprehensive take-down, I recommend any of Thomas Sowell's works on left.


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